Monday, August 22, 2011

Fun, fun, fun

Man, it sure has been a while since I updated this blog. This semester has been a super productive one for me. I have never churned out such a high volume of artwork in such a short span of time before. I've learned tons of new stuff, with major improvements made to 3D, time management and people management (will elaborate this on subsequent posts). Most importantly, I've learned that it was humanely possible to live with just 5 hours of sleep everyday.

The below are some of the artworks that I've created over the course of this 15 weeks.

Porsche 959

The first assignment for 3D modeling class was to model a car. The choice of vehicle was determined by a 'lucky draw' system, and I was lucky enough to land the Porsche 959. This is the first time I modeled a car from a real life reference, and the first time I've touch the Spline modeling tools in Max.

MEDIC - from concept to final model
 The second assignment was a little more personal, as we got to model a character that we personally designed. As we were told that we would continue to use this model for future animation classes, we were advised to not go too crazy with the design. My original concept was to create a character similar to Lara Croft, a girl who isn't too afraid to get down and dirty, but with a slightly cuter appearance. In the end, her face turned out to look more like Midge, a character from a previous projects class. Nevertheless, I am quite glad how the lighting and final render turned out. One step at a time I guess.

Skin Tone Studies

Ear Studies

Portrait of Vincent under 3 point lighting

Portrait of Jacky under monster lighting

Self portrait under top-down lighting
These are exercises done for digital painting class. All of them are done within a short duration, with the idea of improving on my painting speed.

Character painting pipeline
 Next, I worked on a character piece, transforming a life drawing that I did last semester into a fully realized original character. To be honest, at this point of the semester, I was running pretty dry on ideas, due to the heavy workload from the projects class (which will be discussed in another post). So when my lecturer pointed out that the figure looked like it could be the monkey king after seeing the initial life drawing, I immediately jumped onto that idea. I experimented with both the Chinese variant (Sun Wukong) and the Indian variant (Hanuman) before finally settling on the latter.


  1. Jason,
    You continually impress me with your skills and professionalism. You will be a tremendous asset in the industry. I wish you continued success.

  2. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Rob! Hope to see you real soon in Redmond.
