Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My friend once told me that "rim lighting can make anything look nice". While that's not entirely true, I must admit that the statement ain't too far off. The reason why rim lighting often 'lifts' the object out of the scene is due to the high contrast value that is created when the light color meets the dark background.

The important thing to note when painting is that you have to envision the object as a real-life 3D model. Imagine how it would look under a proper lighting set-up. While I am not a lighting expert, I do understand, and try to establish, the classic 3 point lighting.

The hues I used for the foreground character and prop is similar to that of the background. To bring attention onto the character, I tried to play with a stronger value contrast and added a medium intensity rim light. Of course, there are many other depth cues in play, but those were the main ones utilized.

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