Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Start

Setting up a blog has been on my to-do list for almost 2 years now. I've finally decided to move my lazy ass into starting work this New Year's day.

Why Now?

Its true that blogs are no longer as popular as before. With the advent of Twitter, blogs seemed even more out of fashion. I never took part in the initial blogging craze back in the day; I just felt uncomfortable about exposing my feelings to the web.

But in the recent years, I realized I needed a medium in which I can voice out my opinions. Perhaps talk about something that I would not have otherwise properly articulated in real life. I want to discuss the things I love, openly. To stimulate thoughtful discussions whereby both me, the author and you, the reader can learn from. I felt that other social platforms simply couldn't help me accomplish this task.

What to Expect

I hope to discuss about art, both the techniques and the thought process behind each work. I don't claim to be the best in this field, and certainly am very far off this peak, but I have spent a good part of my life devoted to art. I hope to help others in the same way that others have helped me, and at the same time seek help from you to improve on my own abilities.

I also hope to cover other areas of interests like video games and music. As this is really my first attempt at a blog, I don't plan to restrict myself too much in terms of the topics that I would cover.

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