Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 2012!

OK, so I'm like... 7 days late to the party. Anyways it's been a good holiday and I've managed to accomplished quite a fair bit of the things that I've planned to do. I worked on 2 art pieces during this time period:

The first was a 3D model of Akane, the villain character which I designed for a Projects class a few semester back. The main objective of this exercise was to brush up my 3D skills in preparation for the next Projects class (3D Animation Production). I ended up rushing a little to finish this model due to time constraints (I didn't want it to 'spill-over' to the next semester) and thus the results were slightly unsatisfactory.

The second was for a League of Legends fanart competition. The artwork was inspired by a joke from my friend, stating that teaming up with one of my weaker (in terms of LoL skill level) friend was like playing in a 4v6 match. The goal of this painting is not to insult noobs, but rather to display the fun we had as a class when we played the game together. Irregardless of skill level and whether we were 'feeding' or 'owning', we managed to enjoy the experience.

I've recently switched to dual display and it has caused quite a bit of confusion in terms of color and values for me. This is due to the different calibration settings on both monitors. Thus, I am unsure which one is more 'accurate'. I had to ensure that the painting looked good on both displays, and that definitely took up a fair bit of my time.

With a new year, there are also some changes and some new things to look forward to. Firstly, I want to  update this blog on a more regular basis, with a target of at least a post per month. OK, maybe a post-per-month isn't all that 'regular', but at least it won't be a once-per-semester kinda thing.

As mentioned above, there's the big 3D animation project that's coming up. But perhaps what's more exciting for me personally is the game project that I would be involved in. It's still in the idealization phase (and frankly, I haven't gave it much thought yet, due to my involvement in the 2 artwork above) but the prospect of working with all the talented people in the team is a good reason to be excited about.

All that plus the start of ICT and plans to have a year-end trip with my cousins, 2012 is beginning to shape up to be a busy year.